E04 | Earth from above | Defending water is defending life - Part 2

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  • Wednesday 7th August at 20:30

  • Friday 9th August at 9:20

We find ourselves in Israel in the Negev desert, Elaine is looking for solutions to combat desertification. The object of her research: trees, which consume little water. In Mali, we meet the Dogon: the desert farmers. He shows us his people's recipes for managing water. In this part of Mali, where it almost never rains. In Palestine, the village of Wadi Fukeen. A village where farmers use an irrigation and water-sharing system that is over 300 years old and based on respect and trust. And in Gaza, Palestine, where specialists are fighting to save Palestinian children made ill by unsafe water. In the Jordan Valley, where three countries in conflict face the same problems: the lack of water. In Brazil's water tower, where the exceptionally pure water is threatened by iron ore mining that pollutes the water table. And in Jerusalem, Israel, where sustainable development is only possible if people manage to make peace with each other, to live together.

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